Inside the Lab That’s Quantifying Happiness
Outside • August 11, 2017
At the University of Vermont, mathematicians in the Computational Story Lab are reading your tweets and learning a lot about our collective well-being.
Inside the Lab That’s Quantifying Happiness
Outside • August 11, 2017
At the University of Vermont, mathematicians in the Computational Story Lab are reading your tweets and learning a lot about our collective well-being.
UVM Earns $20M Research Grant to ‘Harness the Data Revolution’
UVM Today • May 8, 2023
A groundbreaking data science effort to better understand and harness the power of stories has earned the University of Vermont a $20 million research capacity building award from the National Science Foundation (NSF) through its Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR).
#168 Happiness Calculator vs. Alex Goldman
Reply All • October 29, 2020
Alex meets a scientist who has built a tool meant to do the impossible—measure the world's overall happiness and sadness. Plus, Alex volunteers for a risky and strange experiment.
Is Everybody Doing … OK? Let’s Ask Social Media
New York Times • October 12, 2020
Researchers are looking at online behavior to gauge public mental health. The results aren’t pretty.
Has Twitter Just Had Its Saddest Fortnight Ever?
Nature • June 15, 2020
A tool that quantifies global happiness on social media recorded an unprecedented dip in mood starting in May.
Your Instagram Posts May Hold Clues to Your Mental Health
New York Times • August 10, 2017
From the colors in photos to the filters chosen, Instagram users with a history of depression present the world differently, a study suggests.
The Six Main Arcs in Storytelling, as Identified by an A.I.
The Atlantic • July 12, 2016
A machine mapped the most frequently used emotional trajectories in fiction, and compared them with the ones readers like best.
According to the Words, the News is Actually Good
New York Times • February 24, 2015
According to the words, the news is actually good.
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